Sunday, November 4, 2012


First up, thanksgiving. Then after that.. guys, it'll be Christmas time!!!! Obviously, that sentence deserved that many exclamation points. I already have some lights up. And naturally, I took and edited a photo. What else would I do?

Friday, October 26, 2012

Happy Fall!

Super excited for One Direction's new single! So yeah, 1D on the brain. Whatevs. I'm fine. Completely not a teeny bit obsessed. And definitely not admitting it either. Anyway. Picture. Here you go.

Monday, October 1, 2012

A week of shoes (or the absence of them)

These are my shoes (or lack of them) for the week.
I have to admit, though, during the weekend I kind of fell off the "take a picture of my feet every day for just a week, how hard can that be?" bandwagon.
What? That wagon doesn't exist?
Maybe to you, but eh, it works.
ANYWAYS. My feet. Enjoy.
P.S. I realize I wear the same shoes like a bunch of times, but they're soo perfect for fall/winter! Your argument is invalid.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy moments in photo form

Finding happy moments keeps one's sanity. :)
Photo one. Photo two. (Mine) Photo three. Photo four. (Mine) Photo five. (Mine)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Quote of the month

I saw this quote browsing around on Pinterest, and it struck something in me. Being an interior design major, there is an immense pressure to be original.
But being original is virtually impossible. We can only re-imagine and re-create what has been made.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 even says "What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. (ESV)

Two books I really recommend are Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon, and Art and Fear by David Bayles and Ted Orland. Both are extremely inspiring and reassuring, and you don't have to be an "artist" to read them at all. Anyway, here's that quote.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Snippets of school

Life is busy busy busy. Classes are going pretty well, and I'm really excited about one of my assignments for architectural drafting.. It sounds boring, but I promise it isn't!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Photo of the month

A happy thought for me.. Just started college, so I need happy thoughts. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Journal diy

I found an amazing tutorial for making a journal at Indie Jane Photography the other day. After reading it, naturally I decided to make my own version.
All I did was:
1) Got an old journal of mine and ripped out half the pages. (When I finish the journal, what I've added back will fill it out again.)
2) Used fabric tape and put in pretty paper or pictures.
3) Add a quote, verse, or lyric and the date.

I'll be posting an entry once a month. Here's today's. :)

Journal entry 8/11/12

For me, this is a really great way to remember all the things that inspire, lift me up, and even songs that were stuck inside my head. Plus it's pretty. :) I bought the fabric tape from The Plaid Barn during one of their one-day sales. The paper is just scrap I had in my craft organizer. (Yes, I have a craft organizer.. which needs to be re-organized.. eh, maybe on winter break.)
Hope you have a lovely rest of the weekend! xo